Wearing your favorite black jeans with a white shirt topped off with a black and white patterned vest, and maybe some Converse? The 90s seem to be back in style, but don’t take that literally.
This decade was the precursor to today’s trends; you should enjoy as many of these amazing pieces as you can. There are plenty of oldies-but-goodies out there that you should bring back into the present – they’re perfect for layering or mixing in with completely new looks.
Fashion today seems to be lacking in the freedom to express oneself. Nowadays, teenagers and adults are consistently trying to fit in with the “in” crowd. The 90s, however, were a time of uniqueness that has only recently started coming back into style. This is due primarily to shows like “Gossip Girl” and “Mad Men”. Both of these shows help people realize that dressing like everyone else is boring.
But 90s trends are so much more than just dressing up for a night on the town with your friends, riding your skateboard through town or even talking about grunge music you don’t have any clue about. This decade was a time of great change in fashion. It gave birth to styles like cyber and new millennium chic.
The 90s were all about grunge, and more importantly, freedom. People were encouraged to dress in what was comfortable to them without worrying about what other people thought. People were encouraged to make a statement by dressing head-to-toe in black and bold lipsticks. Overall, the fashion during the 90s was about individuality; it was a time when people could be themselves without worrying if they looked sexy or cool.
Cyber style is defined as a person wearing some of the hottest, most cutting edge, technology-infused clothing on the planet. The fashions are inspired by wearable technology, like cell phones and MP3 players, but also by out-of-this world items like robotic devices. If you can imagine it being worn on your body, chances are there’s a whole line of clothing catering to that specific desire.

New millennium chic is somewhat of an offshoot from cyber style but it maintains all the coolness with little of the overwhelming technological influence that cyber has become known for. Whereas cyber style is all about futuristic looking gadgets, new millennium chic is all about how to wear the devices so you can still look and feel sexy. It’s about showing off your cool threads without looking like you’re trying to make a statement.
If you’re looking to bring back 90s fashion trends in your life, you have endless options. The most important thing to remember is that these styles were created from an era of freedom and individuality; they were supposed to be what made each person unique. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
Also remember that if one person tells you something looks silly or unattractive, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t thousands of others out there who think it’s awesome.
Finally, remember that fashion is always evolving. Just because something sat on the back of your closet for a decade doesn’t mean it’s time to bring it back. If you’re going to wear 90s trends, make sure you’re putting together outfits that have staying power and will get you compliments from your peers or from future fashion historians.
1990s style has come a long way since the days of the grunge movement, when flannel shirts and ripped down vests were all the rage. If you are going to wear this fashion, here’s how you can make it work for your personal style:

First, don’t try to copy an entire decade with one look. Messing with staples like denim and white t-shirts is the only way to stay trendy. When people see you on the street they will immediately know that although this may be your first time trying it on, you’ve actually been doing this for years.
Second, go with trends. You’re not going to want to wear neon shell tops or jeans with a striped polo shirt all the time (although a bright colored polo shirt is still okay). If you’re dating someone specific, you may want to break out the neon colors or the polos for the first date. You don’t have to go crazy with trends, though. Think about what your personal style is like and what look works best for you.
Third, don’t be afraid to mix things up a little bit. That means that if your favorite jeans are too tight (they probably are) buy a size up and wear something else on top of them, like an oversized sweater or a dress shirt. Mixing styles will make even throwback looks look new again!
Fourth, don’t forget the accessories! This decade was all about accessories and it is in full swing once again. Have fun with neon headbands, animal prints and colorful purses. Even if you’re going for a simple look, make sure your accessories are totally different.
Finally, remember that the 90s was a decade of change. No one expected this kind of fashion to ever come back around again. If you’re wearing 80s fashion (which is actually just as confusing as it sounds) others will think you’re completely lost in time! Stick to the trends that have staying power and stay fashionable without looking too dated!

It feels silly, when everyone refers to the 1990s as the “last good decade” and even though it may not have been all that good, there’s a lot we can learn from it. Today’s teens are no longer trying to be like 90s kids. They’re trying to look exactly like their favorite star. Come on, you know some of them were silly, and a lot of them were really cool. I’m not making fun of anyone who enjoys the fashion at all… but it just makes me think that people are so unwilling to pay attention to what’s going on these days!
I’m not saying that the 90s will stay fashionable forever, but if you really start looking at your wardrobe and decide that you’re going to do your best to bring back all the trends from this decade (instead of trying to create new ones) then maybe you can take advantage of this “last good decade” phenomenon.